Welcome to 2015, and our New Site!
By Brad Thomason, CPA

Happy New Year. And welcome to this new web-based resource.

The idea for this site goes back several years. Time and time again we were running into people who were lamenting the low yields in bonds and CDs, but who didn’t want to take on the risk of investing in stocks. A lot of them did, mainly because they didn’t feel like there was a choice. But they were never comfortable with it.

But we knew that there was a choice. A lot of choices, in fact. So we started thinking about the best ways to try to put that word out and tell the right stories. Our ideas eventually evolved into the content for this site.

If you have ever wondered if it was possible to have a well-diversified, solidly-performing portfolio without investing in stocks and bonds, the answer is a resounding YES.

This site is designed to help you learn about the many alternative asset classes that are out there. But we go beyond basic information, showing you examples of how to construct portfolios, issues to remember when analyzing investments, and appreciating the differences between retirees and other types of investors.

In addition to the permanent content – which you’ll find in various written forms, as well as videos – we’re starting this new blog to talk about these concepts further and relate them to current events. A little later we’re looking to add podcasts too, so be sure to check back for developments.

Also, you’ll note that there’s a link back to our older publication site, RedMountainAssetResearch.com (Old Blogs). There you’ll find additional information, as well as our archives of past blogs going all the way back to 2010.

We designed this site with the hope that it would be a useful reference for investors and their advisors. Please let us know how you think we did. This sort of “library” project is not exactly what we do day in and day out, so we would be appreciative of any thoughts you have on making the user experience better. Thanks, and good luck in 2015.